The Halloween Beauty Wrap

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It’s almost Halloween again and it’s time for a little beauty treatment, Ghoul style


You will need these items to create that wizened and parched skin that only Zombies and “Other worldly” creatures can sport all year round. It's a body wrap / beauty treatment that only the creepiest of the devil's spawn have knowledge of. Gather together the following ingredients:


2 Bat’s wings

15 Dragon scales

1 sour lime

3 lbs. dew worm casings

5 drops nectar of Newt

venom of asp snake

sour milk

rancid pork drippings


Once you have all of your ingredients together collect your favorite skull-bowling pot and your largest ladle.


Step one: Braze the bat’s wing until it starts to smoke lightly then extract the bones and throw away the skin. Place the bones into your cooking cauldron. Add the sour milk and a dash of sour lime.


Step two:


Next,  add the venom of asp snake, the dew worm casings and the dragon scales. Cook over your highest heat until a thick smoke forms above the cauldron.


Step three:


At this point add the nector of Newt. Throw the rancid pork dripping over your right shoulder and you’re good to go (bad luck).


Once the concoction reaches a tar-like state, it is ready to apply onto your face, neck and arms and any other parts of your body that require scaling and parching. Wrap the salved areas with mummy's cloth for at least 3 weeks. The longer that it’s burning properties soak into your skin the better the results will be.


With the correct application you should look your most tired, dark and gaunt self.





images by and


Macabre makeup by Courtney Mault and Max Sparber


If this isn’t the look for you then some might consider a soothing alternative. DO NOT DO THIS! I just want you to know that I can’t condone the following informaton because you will be a TOTAL FAILURE as a ghoul.

To try this method is to cross over to the dark side (well actually the light side, but that is pretty dark)


The Beauty Wrap is an amazing spa treatment designed to make you look smoother, silkier, slimmer and feel amazing. Their comfort blend with MSM is their most soothing body wrap, with all the benefits of our BeautyWrap, in that it also helps with the appearance of unwanted inches, cellulite, and rejuvenates and smoothes the skin’s appearance to a silky finish. For more information, visit us online today and try out our body wrap right away!

Published on Beauty Tips and Info

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